My Raspberry Pi is up and running.

By isendev.

 Posted on 2012/07/13 23:57.

 Tagged as: hardware, programming.

Finally, after two long months, my Raspberry Pi is here. And the first impression could not be better. It's a very small, but capable computer that can execute a full fledged OS like Debian Linux with great amount of dignity, and in the next weeks, seems that things will run speedier when ARMv6 "hard float" binaries be available for public consumption :)

The Foundation's main goal seems accomplished: They've created a powerful (and cheap) piece of hardware that turns to be a very nice way to introduce our childs into computing world. Congrats to everyone on the Rasberry Pi team for it!

Now, I'm looking for a case for my little motherboard... Maybe a bit of origami?
