Showing entries tagged as: music

NodeBeat HD - Music Sequencer for iPad.

By isendev.

 Posted on 2012/02/16 23:24.

 Tagged as: apple, music.

Following a recommendation from a colleague, I've been testing an iOS application called NodeBeat (Nodebeat HD in iPad). Nodebeat is a music sequencer that uses a simplistic but inspired node based interface to create moody tunes. Here's an excerpt from the creator's website:

Generators and Notes make up the two types of nodes. Generators pulse and play Notes within proximity. A Note is played in sequence, based on the distance it is from its connected Generator. Pause nodes to create your own beats or let them roam free to have them generate their own.
After connecting my iPad to my Hi-Fi equipment and spending some time with it, all I can say is that playing with this application is one of the most relaxing and rewarding experiences I've had for a long time. Try it... You won't be disappointed!
