Showing entries tagged as: programming

Moosaik updated again.

By isendev.

 Posted on 2012/12/11 00:35.

 Tagged as: programming, graphics, mootools.

It's been a while, but a new version of my Mootools-based Instagram browser, Moosaik, is now available. Following are a list of enhancements included with this version:

  • Updated image pre-loading code. Added a little more speed.
  • Tweaked logo and header layout.
  • Added "My Feed" menu option to load the latest images of the users you're following.
  • Added pseudo-paging to "My Feed" and "My Images". Click on "MORE" to load the next image set.
I don't know what will be next, but meanwhile, maybe you'll want to try this new version and send me your comments. Ah! And now, you can visit my image feed using the new Instagram's online user profile.

Moosaik updated.

By isendev.

 Posted on 2012/08/15 23:34.

 Tagged as: programming, graphics, mootools.

I've just uploaded a new version of Moosaik, my Mootools-based Instagram browser. I would like to thank all the people who provided me their valuable feedback. There are some bugfixes and enhancements included with this version, some of which are described below:

  • Updated Instagram requests to reflect recent API changes.
  • Updated access token handling. Not working properly on Explorer and Safari.
  • Updated image date handling. Fixed an ugly Javascript date parsing error.
  • Added user profile image thumbnail to Popular mosaic tiles. Now it's possible to access user images directly by clicking on it.
  • Added current user profile image thumbnail to search bar.

I've also created a static page for the project to publish all the relevant information about it.

Now, my development efforts will focus on adding shortcuts to followed users and simple mosaic paging. If you have any free time to spare and an Instagram account, maybe you'll want to try this new version and send me your comments.

My website is powered by Raspberry Pi.

By isendev.

 Posted on 2012/08/03 07:08.

 Tagged as: hardware, programming.

In an attempt to reduce my eco-footprint, I've just moved all my server software running on my Core 2 Quad system to my Raspberry Pi. Now, with a consumption of only 3 watts at peak, the tiny board is running a Tomcat 6 server with my custom Spring Framework based blogging software (SimpleBlogger), a MySQL database server as storage backend and a Nginx as reverse proxy and static content provider.

And best of all, it's completely silent!

My Raspberry Pi is up and running.

By isendev.

 Posted on 2012/07/13 23:57.

 Tagged as: hardware, programming.

Finally, after two long months, my Raspberry Pi is here. And the first impression could not be better. It's a very small, but capable computer that can execute a full fledged OS like Debian Linux with great amount of dignity, and in the next weeks, seems that things will run speedier when ARMv6 "hard float" binaries be available for public consumption :)

The Foundation's main goal seems accomplished: They've created a powerful (and cheap) piece of hardware that turns to be a very nice way to introduce our childs into computing world. Congrats to everyone on the Rasberry Pi team for it!

Now, I'm looking for a case for my little motherboard... Maybe a bit of origami?
